We have a zero tolerance policy for prohibited items, particularly those that promote, support or glorify hatred, those that promote, support or glorify violence, or are unlawful. Sellers deemed to violate this policy can be subject to immediate account suspension or termination, in accordance with our Terms of Service.
We want to foster an open and inclusive marketplace, and we don’t want to stifle creativity, but we’re not anarchists either. There are a few things we don’t allow to ensure that Basically Gay is basically awesome.
The following items are not allowed for sale on Basically Gay:
- Alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and other controlled substances, drug paraphernalia, and anything making medical claims.
- Humans, Animals, or human remains.
- Any items promoting hate, violence, or bigotry such as homophobia, racism, etc.
- Dangerous and or illegal items.
- Items that are not handmade.
- dropshipping or drop shipped items.
- AI generated art and designs.